Grady Management has ranked among the Top 25 companies in Division III (10,000 to 19,999 units) for online reputation in the 2021 Division ORA™ Power Ranking published by Multifamily Executive! To view the complete article, visit https://jturner.us/2021DivisionORA.
The ORA score is the multifamily industry standard to measure and benchmark a property’s online reputation. J Turner Research monitors 123,000 properties nationwide for online ratings and reviews to determine the individual ORA score for each property. The national average ORA score is 66.52.
The average ORA in Division III is 68.33. Grady Management earned an ORA score of 77.38, ranking higher than both the division and national averages.
“We are very pleased with the continued efforts of our onsite team members as they strive to provide our residents exceptional customer service,” Stacy Whyte, Director of Marketing.